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Mom Conversations

Love bags of all kinds and all kinds of shapes and colors, and material. Not to mention, of different brand names, local or designer. This Brand New COACH Satchel Bag that is worth $300 is not an exception. But I would love to have this for FREE.. Of course, I am so thankful that Umma, of Moms Conversations is having this really exciting contest, the $300 Worth Brand New COACH Satchel Bag Contest. Imagine, if I win it, that would be an addition to my loot. And an expensive one that I will be getting for FREE. weeeeeeehhh!!!

Anyway, you too can have a chance to win this gorgeous baby for yourself or for your partner.. If you are interested, visit the site and read the requirements at the contest post

Thanks to the following sponsors, we are days away to getting the prize.. 

Main Sponsors:

Keeping my fingers crossed! Hope I will win this one!

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Who says that ever after is just for the skinny and the fitness junkie? Who says that when a woman (or man) is BIG or in some cruel man's (or woman's) language, FAT, she is no longer worthy of LOVE and AFFECTION??? Who says that FAT PEOPLE are not good lovers? Who says that in order for one to look good, he or she must be THIN or NOT FAT??? If you raised your hand in all these questions, then you are a person far worst than a racist, a chauvinist pig and a psycho-killer!

Hey, this is my opinion and I am not sour graping! I am big, and I have big bone structure. Whether you like it or not, I will be BIG even if I lose the pounds. But, do I feel less than how you want me to feel? NO, I do not, and I never will. Why? Because I know myself more than you think you know me.. Besides, whether I am big or I lose the pounds, I will still be pretty, and smart and I can kick ass if and when provoked! But this post is not about me really. This is a reflection of how narrow minded society is and how FAT people are being used and abused, and even treated like a disease sometimes.. Although, health-wise, it always pays to be fit-- but it doesn't mean that just because the extra pounds  exist, FAT people are then stereotyped as being less of what "we" are as persons.. We are not what you think we are, because we are what and who we think we are! No one in his right mind should dictate upon society how people should be treated and how people should be grouped or classified. 

So anyway, why am I ranting when I am supposed to share with you a very beautiful scenario. One that you do not and can not see happening everyday.. And I am sure, the "person far worst than a racist, a chauvinist pig and a psycho-killer!"  will disprove saying that it is not at all acceptable. Perhaps, these are the very persons who sneer at you when you buy your perfect wedding dress.. Well, FAT PEOPLE GET MARRIED TOO!! Deal with it! 

I guess I will just have to share it in another post..

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